“Get up and walk about the Land,
Genesis 13:17
through its length and breadth,
for I give it to you.”
If you’re planning a trip to Israel, or if you’re an English-speaker living in Israel, I can help you “walk about the Land” in a variety of formats.
I’m Joe Freedman. In 1980 I moved to Israel with my family and with a Doctorate in Education. I’ve been a licensed tour guide for the last 25 years.
Why do people tour Israel with me?
Archaeology • History • Art • Wine and Food • Religious sites • Geopolitics • Sociology • Ethnography • Spelunking • Hiking and exploring • Inspiring Views and Meditation…
Whether you’re in Israel for recreation, business or a religious/spiritual pilgrimage, I can facilitate your broadening and deepening your understanding of this amazing and perplexing country.
A sampling of what I have to offer
The descriptions of tours are suggestions only; I’m happy to adjust or combine tours to meet the needs and interests of the participants. There are many other possibilities – let me know what you have in mind!

Custom-made Comprehensive Tours
5 to 10 days or more
Partner with me to design a custom-made tour. You can do this for just yourself – and perhaps with a significant other, for immediate family members, for a small group of friends (for instance, your synagogue), or for a busload of people. It can be just a half-day or full-day trip or include overnights. I am licensed to drive up to 10 people in a Ministry of Tourism-approved vehicle. Contact me to dream up just the right trip for you.

Virtual Tours / “Walking the Land” from a Distance
~1 hour
The world is not as travel-friendly as it used to be. I’ve had experience with various formats of virtual tours, mostly via Zoom. Here’s an example virtual tour about the city lines of Jerusalem. I’m happy to develop virtual tours on topics and sites that would be meaningful for your family or group – both in Israel and abroad. To involve loved-ones who are unable to participate physically in a Bat/Bar Mitzva celebration (or other special event), consider a virtual tour that combines pre-recorded photos and videos as well as live interaction. Imagine your son or daughter actually guiding in the field after proper study and preparation. The whole experience can be saved on video for future generations. Contact me for further information.

Engaging in Israel. And worldwide.

Tours and tour packages made just for you
Short Walking Tours
Join with other English-speakers in eye-opening tours at prearranged times and places, mostly in and around Jerusalem.
Half-Day Tours
Thematic tours of Jerusalem (Old City Walls and Gates; Divided Jerusalem 1948-67); Herodion; The City of David, including Hezekiah’s Tunnel; The Temple Mount and the Davidson Center archaeological park; Highlights of the Israel Museum; “The Palm Sunday Path”; Where David slew Goliath: Tel Azeka and HaEla Valley.
Full Day Tours
Jerusalem Old City; Jerusalem New City; Tel Aviv: from Old Jaffa through Neve Tzedek; Ancient Caesarea and the delightful Zichron Yaakov; the caves of Maresha and Bet Guvrin; Key sites on the ascent to Jerusalem from 1948 – including Latrun and the new museum at Sha’ar Hagai; Masada and the Dead Sea; Western Negev…
Overnight Excursions
The Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and environs; the Western Galilee (Acco, Haifa, and so on); the Dead Sea area; hiking in the northern Negev… or an extended trip of seven, 10 or 12 days – or more, touching on the multi-layered history and beauty of the country.