Continue readingThe 7th of Adar: From Moses to Israel’s Missing in Action
Author: Joe Freedman
The amazing festival of lights in Jerusalem! Even if you can’t make it to drive around the city to the displays you can enjoy it vicariously by clicking above. You’ll find some very brief guiding clips for the different sites (yours truly “appears” at the Israel Museum and at the Cinematheque bridge). Enjoy and have…Continue readingJerusalem: Follow the Lights!
(a composite from the Hebrew press, February 18, 2021) Maher Ibrahim (see picture below) is a Muslim who lives in the bedouin village of Daburiyya at the foot of Mt. Tabor. He works as the head nurse in the Covid-19 ward in Ha’Emek Hospital in Afula in the north of Israel. Recently he found himself…Continue readingA Muslim Nurse says “Sh’ma Yisrael” for a Dying Jewish Patient
In 2005, in a residential neighborhood of Jerusalem, archaeologists discovered a huge water cistern (reservoir) from the Byzantine Period, some 1500 years ago. Watch this brief video to see how this came about:Continue readingA 1500 Year-Old Cistern – Under a Playground!
Joe Freedman, Ed.D.(In honor of International Holocaust Memorial Day, January 27) “A good name is better than fragrant oil” (Ecclesiastes 7:1) Did you know that Jerusalem has a street named: רחוב צביה ויצחק“Rehov Tziviya ve-Yitzhak” (Zivia and Yitzhak street)? Jerusalem – as well as most cities in Israel – is super meticulous about naming streets.…Continue readingZivia and Yitzhak Street: A Holocaust Survival Story
Shalom to all! Here in Israel life is slowly returning to “normal,” though we still have a long way to go. Since international travel is still weeks or months away, I decided to bring some clips of Israel to you: IsraCLIPS. Of course nothing can replace being here and being part of the landscape, but in…Continue readingIsraCLIPS: Short Videos of Israel with Joe Freedman
In honor of Israel’s 72nd birthday (which was celebrated on April 29), some tour guide colleagues – and yours truly – put together a short video of Israel sites. We hope you’ll get to Israel soon to see them in real time! The background song, written and performed by Hazzan Iris Beth Weiner says, “I’m…Continue readingA Short Video: Israel’s 72nd Independence Day
In celebration of YOM HA’ATZMAUT – Israeli Independence Day (which was celebrated on April 29) – I’m honored that the World Mizrachi Movement (religious Zionists) has asked me to “guide” a virtual tour called: “THE CITY LINES OF JERUSALEM:1948-67 and 1967 – TODAY.” The virtual tour can be found below. Following is a quick description:Through…Continue readingVirtual Tour: The City Lines of Jerusalem