Joe's Blog

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Joe's Blog

FROM 7th of ADAR to OCTOBER 7th

The Hebrew month of Adar II (which began a few days ago) traditionally ushers in a season of joy. During this this month we celebrate the holiday of Purim and a month later Passover and other spring holidays. Whatever our situation might be in life, we are reminded not to worry….but to be happy (with…Continue readingFROM 7th of ADAR to OCTOBER 7th

Joe's Blog

Showdown on Mount Carmel

One of the outstanding features of this coming Shabbat’s Torah reading (known as Ki Tisa, Exodus 30:11-34:35), is the story of the Golden Calf. The Sages chose as the corresponding Haftarah – the reading from the Prophets – the story of the Prophet Elijah having a “face-off” with King Ahab and the prophets of the…Continue readingShowdown on Mount Carmel

Joe's Blog

The Return to Shokeda

Moshav Shokeda, a religious agricultural community, is located very close to Be’eri and other kibbutzim near the Gaza border that were brutally attacked on October 7, 2023.  But when the terrorists tried to cross the fields to Shokeda they were repelled by the IDF. While the moshav was spared for the most part, the community…Continue readingThe Return to Shokeda

Joe's Blog


A Midrash* about The Value of Life          (*homiletical interpretation) On October 7, 2023, Hamas perpetrated a brutal, horrific massacre of Israel citizens, as well as of soldiers, killing at least 1350 people, and kidnapping at least 120 and smuggling them into Gaza. In addition, for the last 7 days Hamas has been firing rockets incessantly…Continue reading“THUS DID THEY ENSLAVE YOUR CHILDREN”

Joe's Blog

Songs of Rahel and Naomi in Aryeh’s Honor

שירי רחל ונעמי שמר – לכבוד אריה (ראו להלן) On a recent Friday (June 24, 2022) I had the honor and pleasure of guiding the extended Zartisky family, celebrating the 80th birthday of the scientist DR. ARYEH ZARITSKY (Ben Gurion University of the Negev). The gift that Aryeh received was a family-oriented tour in the…Continue readingSongs of Rahel and Naomi in Aryeh’s Honor

Joe's Blog

Two of the 73

On February 4, 2022, we mark 25 years since the “Helicopters Tragedy” (אָסוֹן הַמַּסוֹקִים), in which 73 IDF soldiers and aircrew were killed. It was a horrific accident involving two helicopters which collided as they made their way towards Lebanon, during what has been labeled the “First Lebanon War.” The two helicopters, filled with commissioned…Continue readingTwo of the 73

Joe's Blog

Moses, Stage Fright…

…and a CONVERSATION  with NECHAMA LEIBOWITZ  Fifty-nine years ago, for my Bar Mitzva, I chanted the Torah portion called “Va’era” (“And I appeared…,” Exodus 6:2-9:35) that we read this past Shabbat (1.1.22). It begins with a prelude to the 10 plagues. For the second time, Moses tries to convince God that he isn’t fit for…Continue readingMoses, Stage Fright…

Joe's Blog

Hebrew Language Day

HEBREW LANGUAGE DAY!! YOM HaLASHON HaIVRIT – יום הלשון העברית Time to Celebrate! In 2012 the Government of Israel formally declared the 21st of the month of Tevet as “Hebrew Language Day.” Since this year the 21st falls on Shabbat, the public observance of the day has been brought forward to Thursday, December 22, 2021.…Continue readingHebrew Language Day

Joe's Blog

The First Cliffhanger

Saturday night, December 4, 2021 In the Jewish Tradition we read a portion of the Torah every week on Shabbat (Saturday) morning, completing the Five Books of Moses each year. The weekly portions were established prior to the division of the Hebrew Bible into chapters (which was developed by Christian clergy in the 13th century).…Continue readingThe First Cliffhanger